Spinning Pygora in Quail Gardens, Connection with James Hubble

I met artist James Hubble when I was 19. I didn't know anything about his work but felt my world shift as I walked onto his property. I had never seen creative expression manifested in every square inch of reality before my eyes. His organic curved stained glass sculptured buildings meander through garden paths and wrought iron gateways. The lines between in and outdoors were blurred, I was in a womb, a dreamlike state and I cried as I felt I was truly home. In a place that reflected me, both natural, beyond nature, of this world and one foot in another. I would never be the same after experiencing Mr. Hubble's world that day, and my path as a creative soul began it's new direction.

Flash forward many years, and you'll still see influence of his creations in my dream boards, threaded along my own work and surroundings. As a gardener, nature lover and artist, expressing myself and connecting with others is essential. Listening to him speak this weekend at Quail Gardens ( by coincidence!) where I was showing my art, sparked a full circle for me. His inspiring words about Nature, creative paths and connection radiates truth. The trees seem to whisper a little clearer, my yarn unwinds another story and my next dye pot may yield more magic. All because Mr Hubble showed me it's all possible....
Spinning Pygora in a beautifully tended garden setting, connecting to people as they wander by and hugging Mr. Hubble with a ton of gratitude. Life is beautiful and amazing!

Now I am off to Burning Man Art Festival to connect with 50,000 people from all over the world. Art, gifting, music....for one week a world where giving, community and art are freely celebrated!

Posted on August 25, 2011 .